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College Hack: How to Not be Broke in College

Updated: Nov 28, 2021

For a graduating high school student, college seems to be promising. After all, who wouldn’t want to have new friends to hang out with, independence, a new environment, finally attaining your dream course, and of course, allowance, right?

Well, it does sound nice... until reality hits you, and your sense of practicality creeps in. You’ll start to panic about financial matters (unless you’re from a wealthy family). These considerations will suddenly occupy your mind:

"Until reality hits you, and your sense of practicality creeps in. You’ll start to panic about financial matters (unless you’re from a wealthy family)."

“Which university should I go to, and what course should I take? Is it something we could afford?”

“Is it more practical to go to a dorm near the university and walk or do I find a cheaper place but travel every day?”

“Do I eat lunch at an eatery or at home?”

Later on, you’ll realize that college is indeed expensive, and we need to do something to at least offset our parents' costs.

Thankfully, there is an effective means to hack away the college expenses — applying to some government scholarship grants. And that's what this article is all about. We’re listing down several government scholarships that you can apply to.

All you have to do now is read, move your bum, and start completing the required paperwork.


The scholarships being offered by DOST are divided into three programs, which are:

This type of scholarship caters to students with “high aptitude in science and mathematics and are willing to pursue careers in the fields of science and technology.

Such scholarship is provided to "talented and deserving students whose families' socioeconomic status does not exceed the set cut-off values of certain indicators."

This scholarship is issued to "graduates in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering who shall teach science and mathematics in secondary schools throughout the country.”

As an incoming college student (or a junior one), of course, we belong to the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships of DOST, wherein under this is the Merit and RA 7687 program. All STEM students are welcome to apply, but only the top 5% of non-STEM seniors are eligible to take the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Examination. (Kind of unfair but… okay.)

However, getting chosen isn’t as easy as it seems. You are, after all, to compete with thousands of students for the few spots (and their exam is challenging). Nonetheless, every pain during the application and examination process is nothing compared to what the scholarship offers.

Once you get qualified as a scholar, you are then to receive the following: tuition worth P40,000/year, book allowance worth P10,000/year, living allowance worth P7,000/month, thesis allowance worth P10,000, and a graduation clothing allowance worth P1,000, including a group health and accident insurance premium as well as an economy-class round trip fare for students studying outside their home provinces. Who wouldn’t want those?

Unfortunately, this year’s application already closed last August 28, 2021. Yet, you shouldn’t get too worked up because one can still apply during his/her junior year.

Yes, you heard that right! You can still apply during your junior year through the Junior-Level Science Scholarships (JLSS). However, eligible applicants are only the third-year regular Filipino college students enrolled in priority S&T courses at identified universities. They should have a general weighted average of at least 83% and with no conditional or failing mark in the first two years in college, including the mid-year terms. The JLSS offers the same privilege to its scholars as the first scholarship program mentioned earlier.

Applicants may check DOST’s website or contact (02) 8837-2071 loc. 2382, or 09278868816 for any inquiry.

2. Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Scholarship Program (CSP)

If we're talking about scholarship grants that offer favorable financial assistance, then CHED scholarship surely belongs on top of the list! CHED scholars don't have to worry about their tuition and miscellaneous fees, and can even receive monthly allowances depending on the kind of program they've been awarded. Sounds very promising, right?

However, you should take note that this scholarship grant is highly grade-dependent. One's academic performance largely determines their retention under the program and the amount of assistance they will receive.

Full merit scholars have to maintain a grade of at least 85%, while those who are given the half-merit are required to maintain a grade of at least 80%. Failure to do so is a solid ground for the termination of the scholarship grant.

Now, let's stop beating around the bush and reveal the financial offers of the CHED scholarship.

The new memorandum released by CHED states that high school graduates with GWA of at least 96% are automatically awarded with Full Merit or Full Scholarship (FS). While those who have a GWA of at least 93%-95% will be granted with Half Merit or Half Scholarship (HS).

Full scholars enrolled in private universities get P20,000 for their tuition and other school fees, P35,000 allowance, and P5,000 for books. Half scholars, on the other hand, receive half of everything. Meanwhile, full scholars enrolled in public universities get free tuition while receiving P40,000 per semester for stipend and book allowance, whereas half of these are given to half scholars.

A more detailed and complete guide can be found on CHED's website.

Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA)

If you are a dependent or a child of an active OWWA member, the following three scholarship grants are perfect for you.

1. Education for Development Scholarship Program

Eligible applicants for this program are students who are qualified dependents of active OWWA members and intend to pursue a four- to five-year baccalaureate course in any preferred colleges/universities. Applicants should have garnered an 80% general weighted average in high school, belong to the top 20% of the graduating class, pass the qualifying examination conducted by the DOST, and be among the top 400 examination passers. Qualified scholars for this program are entitled to receive P60, 000 per school year.

2. OFW Dependent Scholarship Program

Eligible applicants are students who are either a child or sibling of an active OWWA member who earns $600 and below, and should note be recipients of any other scholarship grants. Freshman applicants must be single and not older than 21 years old, while those who are enrolled in college must not be older than 30 years old. They must qualify for the entrance exam administered by the university in the OWWA regional welfare offices. Once accepted, scholars will get P20, 000 per school year.

3. Educational Livelihood Assistance Program

This scholarship is granted to the dependents, usually the eldest child, of OFWs who were active OWWA members at the time of their deaths, or when convicted of the death penalty in their host country. The dependent is eligible for financial aid in the form of allowances such as P5, 000 (elementary), P8, 000 (high school), P10, 000 (college) given that they are 21 years old and younger, have an 80% general weighted average, and belong to the top 20% of their graduating class. They are also required to pass the Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) qualifying exam, meet the University's current admission and retention criteria, and have not exceeded the school's overall residency policy. A P15, 000 livelihood financial assistance will also be provided to the parents if the OFW is single, and to the surviving spouse, if married.

A more detailed and complete guide can be found on the OWWA’s website.

Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)

If you are looking for a scholarship that does not require a qualifying exam, then good

news, for we’ve found the perfect program for you — the GSIS College Scholarship Grant!

However, there is a catch.

Only college students who are not recipients of any scholarship grants, dependent on active GSIS members whose salary grade is 24 and lower, and have no outstanding GSIS payment loads for more than three months are eligible to apply. GSIS scholars will be granted tuition and miscellaneous fees not exceeding P40,000 per academic year, a monthly stipend worth P3,000, and a monetary incentive up to P50,000 for those who will graduate with Latin honors.

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)

Another scholarship is from the Fisheries Scholarship Program (FSP) of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR). They provide full college scholarships to qualified high school graduates pursuing a degree of Bachelor of Science in Fisheries (BSF). The scholarship program has three components:

This scholarship requires applicants to undergo a qualifying examination given that they are high school graduates or graduating students who belong to the top 10 of their class and have a general weighted average not lower than 80%. Qualified applicants will be given practicum support worth P3,000, monthly stipend worth P4,000, book allowance worth P2,000, thesis support worth P7,000, and graduation support worth P1,500. All of these are provided for tuition and other school fees except for the dormitory fee.

This grant has similar eligibility requirements and benefits as the FILG. The difference, however, is that applicants' parents must be registered fishermen.

This offer is unique in a way that it is only available to those who have low-income, deserving ALS students, high school graduates, and senior high school graduates whose parents are members of minority groups recognized by the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP). FSP-ICCs/IPs also require its applicants to undergo a qualifying examination while the privileges granted to its scholars are similar to those granted by FILG and FCEG.

Reading the list of scholarship grants can be a little overwhelming, and the application process itself will be very exhausting. Yet, we can guarantee you the relief that comes once you qualify for any of the scholarship programs listed above.

As we already know, there's no better feeling than putting our minds off of financial worries while we arm ourselves with knowledge and learning.

"There's no better feeling than putting our minds off of financial worries while we arm ourselves with knowledge and learning."

For now, we wish you the best of luck. Padayon, future iskolars!

Graphics by: Nicole Pacardo



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